
Among the qualities of Novomeccanica, mechanical machining for the aerospace sector stands out. It is surely one of the aerospace industries in the world that requires the most stringent technical requirements.

Aerospaziale Novomeccanica


It is surely one of the aerospace industries in the world that requires the most stringent technical requirements.

Among the qualities of Novomeccanica, mechanical machining for the aerospace sector stands out. It is surely one of the aerospace industries in the world that requires the most stringent technical requirements.
Novomeccanica falls within the small circle of companies that overcomes them and is able to put their skills and their working systems to the service of aerospace companies, capable of working on large formats as well as on a wide range of metals and alloys.
The company is able to fulfill even the most complex international contracts and to put their work in the space program service.
Common denominators are always safety, high quality standards and strict quality control. The use of machining centers of up to 5-axis for milling and turning, allow customers of Novomeccanica to obtain finished pieces, developed by unique machine configurations for the sector.

With the establishment of Bruino, comes the aeronautical and aerospace components within the best international programs for aviation and space missions.
The machining of Novomeccanica concerns structural parts, fuselage, wings and bulkheads. For this reason the company is a pioneer in the delivery of machines with specific characteristics, able to work on large pieces.
The special mandrels, rotary tables synchronized and high performance tools are just some of Novomeccnica’s ingredients.
Added to this is the peculiarity of the company on large machining which reaches the length of 22 meters on milling portals. And this is also a key feature for manufacturers of structural elements in aerospace subcontracting.
It allows you to perform large mechanical machining of components of considerable size and weight as the turbine disks and other bulky items.